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Our Solutions

Real Estate Consulting

Business Meeting at a Cafe

Finding the right path isn't always easy

The news is flooded with different opinions on real estate.  Your family all have widely different views.  You have lots of great thoughts but need a partner to make sense of it all.  Real estate consulting is about working with a trusted, objective partner to find clarity, and solutions to give you the confidence you deserve.

You know where you want to go - but how do you get there?

Your dream doesn't seem achievable? Too many roadblocks? Let's sit down and talk through what is getting in the way and create the right solutions to help you through.  

The right plan upfront saves time and money

Change is always better when you have a plan! You feel more confident, things flow more smoothly.  Life will always throw you a curve ball - but when it does a plan gives you the facts to find solutions saving time and money.

We're in it together

From start to finish Dream Landings is here to be your trusted partner.  Someone who takes the weight off your shoulders and let's you focus on the bright things on the horizon.

Image by Hutomo Abrianto

Home Staging

Getting the most equity out of your current real estate investments is where home stagers hit a sweet spot in your real estate sales process.

​Did you know?
  • When a buyer looks at your house you have 3 min of their attention to get it sold?  A buyer buys how a house feels!

  • A staged house often sells in shorter time and for higher price than those that are not.

  • Staging is not decorating - the goal is to "depersonalize" and appeal to the future homeowner.

Together with your real estate agent, and other industry experts we identify how to market and promote the best features of your home.

A property inspector focuses on the structural and mechanical elements of your home.  Staging experts focuses on the condition of your home.
Let us support you pre-sale to ensure your home is in optimal condition for buyers to love it just the way you do.

Home Renovation Management

Construction Workers

We take care of managing your home renovations from start to finish

Renovations are complex business:

  • Zoning and permits take time and knowledge to navigate

  • Renovations have a cadence - there is a sequence for a reason

  • Costs can skyrocket due to materials, labour, and poor planning. Design vs function - not always the same!

Homes can be a lot of work!

They require love and care to stay up to date and provide the right qualities for evolving needs.

Whether you decide to stay in your home or move you may have identified gaps which require attention. 

Let us partner with you to make it happen.

Why engage a renovation Project Manager?

  • There is too much to know in the world of renovations - Not everyone is a "Do it yourselfer"

  • Time is money - an unmanaged project has increased risk

  • Life has enough on your plate - you want an outcome that doesn't mean you want the stress of going through it!

Transition Services

In today’s environment multi-generational homes, aging in place, work at home are just a few of the ways houses/condos and various properties are evolving to meet peoples needs.

Downsizing and moving can cause enormous stress. Becoming a multi-gen family means changing routines and finding new ways of living. Going through this change takes a toll emotionally and physically. 

Transition services are all about getting you from place A to place B - looking forward to what is next. Let us take care of floor layouts and furniture arrangements, organize what to sell/keep/store.  We look at every aspect of your move and provide solutions to help you look forward to your new home.

Moving Boxes
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